Sunday, October 23, 2011

Steps to Self-Confidence Building

God has made you unique

The very first step in building self-confidence is to accept yourself in an unconditional way. You are human, therefore you are not perfect, so don?t dwell on what you see as flaws. Everyone has qualities that someone else does not. This is what makes us want to go out and find partners who give us love, and make us feel wanted and complete. Those great feelings would not be possible if you were perfect.

Accept yourself how you are

It will help to rid you of constant stress and worry over things that you cannot control. Do what you want! How long it has been since you last did something that you really liked, something that you enjoyed doing as a child? How long has it been since you went out for ice cream with a friend? These simple things have the power to build your self-confidence and add fulfillment to your life. Life can be very quite simple. It is easy to get caught u in the rat race of today?s world, and lose yourself in the process. It is easy to forget your purpose, what you like and what you enjoy doing. It happens to people all of the time. It is your responsibility to yourself that you get back to those simple things in life.

Find people with whom you enjoy spending time and doing things

You?ve heard the saying, ?birds of a feather flock together?. It is important to find people with whom you enjoy spending time and doing things. You will find that life is a little bit easier when you are among the people who share your interests and your feelings. There is an understanding between you, as well as an open dialogue. Good conversation and friendship are healthy and important for our minds and souls.

Set achievable goals and go for them!

Take one step at a time. Those single steps will develop into a giant gait over time. Do not overwhelm yourself, but simply do the task at hand. But set achievable goals and go for them! Don?t focus on the big picture, concentrate on the small steps. This is the only way to accomplish anything, and to avoid procrastination and depression. Even the smallest achievement will give you a sense of accomplishment that will boost your self-confidence.

Only You Can Overcome Your Frustration!

The only way to deal with Frustration is to have more fun.
Frustration is nothing but certain unpleasant feelings which are created by your own mind. These could be due to unfullfilled desires, unaccomplished tasks etc.
It is impossible to enjoy yourself and be frustrated at the same time.So go out in the weekend, play with your children or have a good time with your friends. On Monday, you will be much less frustrated at work.
If your frustration concerns your relationship: take time for enjoying yourself (without forgetting your partner). You will be happier and that will have a positive effect on your relationship. If you have responsible tasks that frustrate you: make sure that you have a good time in other situations. When you get a happy feeling, your responsible task will seem much easier.
The only way to deal with Frustration is to have more self-confidence.
People who are frustrated have the feeling that their situation is to difficult to deal with. So one solution to deal with this frustration is : build more self confidence. Two bits of advice for self confidence:
1. Say your affirmations. Sit and write down what you need to believe for self confidence. For example: I am self confident. I am able to deal with this situation. I love myself and I am good. Write your own affirmations and say them twice a day.
The only way to deal with Frustration is to have more love.
Possibly your children are frustrating you. You are angry with your children, but you also feel love and you want to help them even when they do terrible things that frustrate you. If its your spouse who is frustrating you, you can still remember your love for her or him and you want to do everything to help.
When people at work are frustrating you, instead of hating them, consider loving them more. Love will heal more than you can imagine. Both in your family, your relationship and at work: have more love. Maybe you are so frustrated that you cannot feel love anymore. Then take a few minutes and sit in a chair. Imagine a star of light. Send this star of light to the person or the situation that is frustrating you. After you do this a few times you will be able to feel love again. Send your love to the person or the situation. You can be sure that you will receive it back one way or another.
So if you have to deal with frustration, try one, two or all three of these suggestions and your life will become much easier.

Confidence: Its all in the mind

When referring to the current economic challenges, Niall Ferguson, the journalist and prolific author who specializes in financial and economic history tells us that “Fifty percent of the problem is confidence.” When I heard him say that on the BBC, I decided to further investigate by interviewing a couple of City Fund Managers and analysts. Each of the individuals I spoke to concurred with Mr. Ferguson’s take. In fact, some of them believe that it's much higher than 50%!
So, I thought to myself, if what Ferguson and other economic experts are saying about confidence is accurate, we can fix that… can’t we? A healthy self-confidence is pivotal when making any important decision. It enables us to be passionate, resolute and focused. So what happens when our confidence becomes weakened, or eroded? Or more importantly, what do we need to do when we’re able to recognise those debilitating feelings?
A lack of self-confidence is often brought on by unhelpful thoughts, thoughts that often are not verifiable. Contemporary psychologists call that kind of thinking, catastrophizing. So, if we can better manage our emotions, can we better manage ourselves in business? The answer is an unequivocal yes, of course we can. Daniel Goleman’s books on EQ (Emotional Intelligence) are perfect foils for those of you who are feeling a little less steady on your feet. Having used EQ in my personal life and my coaching practice since its inception about 20 years ago, I can attest to the positive effect it has on people. It teaches us how to manage our emotions, in effect, to transcend them. EQ is one of the most helpful ways we can prevent ourselves being at the mercy of those negative feelings.
As Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of business magazine Forbes and former U.S Presidential candidate said in a recent BBC interview - “Emotion is your enemy.”

Steps to building Super Memory!

The Brain is made up of 2 parts - the Left which is your Logical Portion- which takes care of Numbers, sequence, logic, words, lines, lists, analysis etc. The Right side of the brain is the more creative portion- which accounts for Rhythm, colour, shapes, imagination etc.
Right from school, our teachers, our parents taught us only one thing - Stop dreaming and start doing!! We are forced to use the left more and more! As a result we end up without a balance.
Step 1:
Use Both sides of your brain - All geniuses, who have created new things, written poems, have all been people who use both sides of the brain! This is the first step towards improving your memory! Start forcing yourself to think in Non sequential manner! How? more on that later.
Step 2:
Start thinking colour (or color for our American friends). Do you remember things from your past - very happy occassions where you can visualize the dress you wore, you can "see" things in its original colours! The brain remembers Colour. Leverage that power!
Step 3:
Start thinking Pictures - Create pictures - colourful ones, ridiculous in their logic, things that you would not dare tell anyone else- but so completely delightful, that your brain enjoys itself.
Step 4:
Start creating "Links" or chains! Do you have these birthday game where a number of items are dropped off a box for you to look at and then covered again. You are expected to write down what you remember. Most people dont remember more than 5-6 things! By linking things up- using a Story for example- can help people connect things together! Use both sides of your brain- and create completely absurd, illogical, colourful stories with pictures - and try to play this game again! You will be surprised!
Step 5:
Learn the basics of Mindmapping - Mindmap is a tool that Buzan introduced- on how the brain works & stores information. It is a way of working the way the brain works and create a mindmap that uses, colours, links, pictures etc.. It will change the way you will look at the world- the way you work, the way you read, the way you remember! It has been proved time and again- and I want to introduce these 2 elements for you to consider.

7 Tips to great Career!

Here goes your 7 Tips to great career
- If you are solution-focused you'll be more creative.
- Reflect on and record the times you've been creative.
- Use practical things to prompt your thoughts, like shapes and colours
- Develop different techniques for doing the same job.
- Find practical ways to create your ideas and spend time making them work
- Creative ideas should be fresh, fun, feasible.
- Dare to think the unthinkable!

ATTITUDE story! Interesting!

An old man lived alone in Minnesota . He wanted to spade his potato garden, but it was very hard work. His only son, who would have helped him, was in prison.
The old man wrote a letter to his son and mentioned his situation: Dear Son, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my potato garden this year. I hate to miss doing the garden because your mother always loved planting time. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. I know you would dig the plot for me, if you weren't in prison. Love, Dad
Shortly, the old man received this telegram: 'For Heaven's sake, Dad, don't dig up the garden!! That's where I buried the GUNS!!'
At 4 a.m. the next morning, a dozen FBI agents and local police officers showed up and dug up the entire garden without finding any guns.
Confused, the old man wrote another note to his son telling him what had happened, and asked him what to do next.
His son's reply was: 'Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It's the best I could do for you, from here.'

What each kiss means!!!!!!!( All round personality)

Here is the additional information to improve your personality:
Kiss on the stomach “lets have sex”

Kiss on the Forehead “Forever you will be mine”
Kiss on the Ear “I’m horny”
Kiss on the Cheek “We’re friends”
Kiss on the Hand “I adore you”
Kiss on the Neck “We belong together”

Kiss on the Shoulder “I want you”

Kiss on the Lips “I love you” OR “I want you”

Holding Hands “We can learn to love each other”

Slap on the Butt “That’s mine”
Playing with the Ear “I can’t live without you”
Holding on tight “Don’t let go”

Looking into each other’s Eyes “Don’t leave me”

Playing with Hair on Head “Tell me you love me”
Arms around the Waist “I love you too much to let go”
Laughing while Kissing “I am completely Comfortable with you”
I am sue this would have enhance your personality a bit.